25 photos to inspire you to visit Maldives



I was so lucky to visit the Maldives with my family for the first time! We enjoyed a one week vacation in the Coco palm resort after my mum touring the pacific ocean with her friends on a yacht for two weeks. It was pure paradise, I’ve never seen the sky and ocean so blue in my life, it is defintlely one of the most beautiful countries I’ve ever been to. I recommend everyone must go visit once in a life time.






















Pause rewind & fast forward 尋找鬧市中的綠洲-小房子

Good eating, 未分類

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Take a break from the ever-busy city life of Hong Kong and escape to a secret sanctuary tucked away in the middle of the concrete jungle.

The hut by Pause Rewind n Fastforward is a piece of paradise hidden inside the top floor of an old Tong Lau in Mong Kok. Opened just several months ago, the place is popular with young hipsters and college students. The cool thing about this place, besides the beautiful floral settings and soothing ambiance, is that no consumption is required, as the owner has designed this place for people to just take a seat and relax. I mean, how can you not fall for this place?

With that being said, that do have a small menu of food and drinks if you’re hungry. When my girlfriend Tobi and I visited the hut earlier last month, we tried their salmon rice ball and tofu cheese cake with iced rose tea which were all so yummy! Most of the upper-floor cafes in Hong Kong charge premium for the food and drinks (due to the expensive rent) while in no way does the price reflect the quality, the hut is definitely a rare exception!


小房子是由 Pause Rewind n FastForward 主理,在鬧市中的一個溫室小花園,旨在為都市人提供一個暫時休息之所。 在這裡你可以隨便坐下來打發時間,不用消費。居住在香港這個商業化和擠迫的城市,每天的生活都充斥著各種各樣的壓力,很感動有這樣一班有心人,無條件提供一個地方給大家停下來充電。


當然,如果想點杯茶或吃點東西的話,他們也有少量主食和茶點提供。 我和朋友就點了三文魚飯糰配紫薯和蟹子沙律,和豆腐芝士蛋糕跟玫瑰茶。有別於一般樓上Cafe,小房子的食物一點也不令人失望!由誠意經營的東西果然是與別不同的💕

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The Hut 小房子 

Address:2/F, 67 Soy Street, Mong Kok /旺角豉油街67號2樓
Tel: 6773 6915
Opening hour: 12:00-23:00(Closed on Monday/ 星期一休息)

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Nobel’s guide to Beijing 潮玩北京-10 個懂享受的你會愛上的地方



I love Beijing, I’ve been to this city for 5 times now and I still get excited every time I visit. Last October, I was invited to my girlfriend’s wedding in Beijing. Born in Beijing and raised in Germany, Hao and I met in Paris a decade ago and became great friends. She met her British husband in London and they decided to have a Chinese wedding in Beijing, so of course I didn’t hesitate for a second to take up her wedding invitation! Here’s my insider guide to the city, hope you like it!

去年這個時候, 我被邀請到北京參加好友的婚禮。 去過北京很多次, 名勝古蹟早已不在我的行程內, 每次來都想發掘新的地方,這次就跟大家分享一下10個特別的好去處!

 Where to eat

Weekend brunch at Capital M

Located in Qianmen Pedestrian Street, Beijing’s most popular shopping street, Capital M offers modern European dishes with an iconic view of Beijing. Its chic decor and modern dishes reminds me of Sevva in Hong Kong, which also has impeccable interior design as well as a terrace over looking the city. Hao and I met up for weekend brunch here, I loved its relaxing ambiance as well as comprehensive menu. Great place to chill and enjoy a glass of champagne!

位於北京前門的M餐廳, 如果你喜歡香港的Sevva 你一定會愛上這個地方! 擁有很精緻的室內設計和可以一覽北京前門街景的大陽臺,M餐廳食物選擇很多而且很有水準。

Address: 3/F, No.2 Qianmen Pedestrian Street (just south of Tian’anmen Square)/ 北京市前門步行街2号3層

Lunch at King’s Joy

I enjoyed a lunch by myself during my 5-day stay in Beijing one afternoon. Winner of food award 2013 & 2014 by Time Out Beijing, King’s Joy is more than I could ever expect. Traditional architecture in a modern setting, with mist coming out in the courtyard, and musician playing harp in the middle of the restaurant, King’s Joy definitely gives you a magical feeling and unique experience. I didn’t know it was a vegetarian restaurant but I wouldn’t have noticed from the dishes because they were all so delicious! Do book in advance and dress up for this upscale restaurant!

選擇京兆尹,是因為我在網上看到這餐廳騰雲吐霧的相片覺得很神奇,但親身體驗更勝我想像 ! 很優雅的室內設計,餐廳中央有豎琴演奏,戶外亭園有薄霧噴出,營造一種仙境的感覺。 事前並不知道這是吃素的地方, 但餐牌選擇很多而且菜色很精緻。 很特別的一點是用餐之後,服務員會給你一張白紙和一支毛筆,讓你寫下感想。 絕對是一個很特別的用餐經驗!


 Address: 2 Wudaoying Hutong, Yonghegong, Dongcheng district/ 東城區雍和宫五道營胡同2号

Afternoon tea at Green T. House

Green T. House is more than just a restaurant or a tea room, it is a concept of lifestyle. First time I went to Green tea house was 8 years ago when it was still in downtown Beijing. Now it has moved to the suburb for a much bigger space. Check out their facebook page for updates of their afternoon tea and event promotions.

今次回到北京沒有機會探訪新的紫雲軒。 8年前第一次來,紫雲軒絕對是我去過最特別的地方!新的紫雲軒遷到北京市郊,集藝術館與餐廳於一身,賣的是一種生活態度,有機會一定要再去!

Address: 318 Shunbai Lu, Hegezhuang, Chaoyang /北京市朝陽區崔各庄乡何各庄村318号

Dinner at Noble Club 

The wedding took place in Noble Club (ranked #3 at Top 10 most luxurious clubs in Beijing ). I felt like a VIP from the moment my taxi entered its exclusive entrance in the north of the Temple of Earth. Noble Club serves up an extensive range of delicacies, including Chinese royal dishes, Cantonese food, Sichuan food and Japanese cuisine.


Address: B16 Hepinglizhong Road, Dongcheng District/ 東城區和平里中街乙十六号(地壇公園北門)

Where to Stay


As I was staying by myself, I wanted to meet people so I chose to stay at the Happy Dragon Courtyard Hostel . The hostel is a typical siheyuan, a historical type of residence famous in Beijing. I promise, the moment you check in the siheyuan you instantly feel like a local!
北京的四合院很有名, 一直很想有機會試試。因為四合院一般都是位於住宅區 ,所以比較寧靜和少遊客。想感受真正北京人家的風味 ,應該試試四合院!
Address: No. 51, Dongsi Jiutiao, Dongcheng District/北京天海缘青年酒店,北京市東城區東四九條51

Where to chill

A day at 798 Art Zone

798 is a thriving artistic community built around the decommissioned military factory buildings in suburb Beijing. The 798 art zone is dotted with lovely cafes and art galleries. I highly recommend to spend a day in the area and immerse yourself in the modern Chinese art world.

很多人都知道北京的798藝術區,但這個地方或者未必是大家的旅遊首選,但我覺得除了名勝古蹟之外,騰出一天過來這地方逛逛,感受一下當代中國藝術是很值得的。即使你對藝術沒有興趣, 因為798的範圍很大,身處在充滿歷史痕蹟的地方,找家咖啡店坐下來輕鬆一下,可以讓整個人在繁忙的生活靜下來。

Adderss: No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District/ 朝陽區酒仙橋路4号

Visit Beijing Farmer’s market


I ran into the Beijing Farmer’s market in Sanlitun Taikoo Li feeling so surprised! I didn’t expect to see a farmer’s market in such westernized setting in down town Beijing and it was so popular with the local Beijing people! Check out their facebook page for weekly location updates.

很驚喜的發現北京也有有機農夫市集! 一般對北京的感覺都是很傳統的, 即時在香港Farmer’s Market也是比較新鮮的,除了個別新界農場,一般都是中環碼頭、西貢、愉景灣,這些外國人比較多的地方才有 。想不到在北京這樣西化的 Farmer’s Market 也很受歡迎!

Address: Various locations/每週不同地點。詳情看它們的Facebook 專頁。

 What to do

Shopping at Taikoo Li Sanlitun

Well, what more to say about shopping? I really loved this area as it felt like Soho area with cool boutiques, cafes and restaurants.

北京的太古里三里屯感覺像Soho 區,很多餐廳選擇,可以逛上一個下午!

Address: No. 11 and No. 19 Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District/  北京朝陽區三里屯路11號及19號

Hang out at Bookworm

Named The world’s greatest bookshops by Lonely Planet , Bookworm is a book shop/ restaurant and a place that held a lot of special memories for me. The Bookworm is a go-to hangout place for expats in Beijing as they do a lot of meet up events like whisky Wednesday, film screening night and comedy night etc.

以前的男朋友曾在北京留學,北京老書蟲是我們的老地方。又是書店,又是餐廳,又是一個常搞聚會的地方, 這兒很受在北京工作的外國人歡迎。

Address: Building 4, Nan Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District/北京朝陽區南三里屯路4號

Clubbing at Mix Club

MIX is one of the most popular clubs in Beijing with a mixed crowd of local and international party goers. It is our go to party place every time we’re in the city!


Address: Inside the north gate of the Workers’ Stadium Chaoyang district / 朝陽區工體北北門西側

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5 fun workouts to push your limits



I used to be a very lazy gal when it comes to exercising, until I started having chronic shoulder pain, back pain and knee pain a year ago, I know my unhealthy lifestyle has got to stop! I’m so happy that now my chronic pains are gone and my muscle mass index has gone up since then. So here are 5 fun work outs I tried in the past 8 months and I want to share it with you!


和香港很多女生一樣, 我之前一直很懶做運動,直到一年前我開始有背痛,膊頭痛和膝頭痛,嚴重到要去看醫生和常常食Panadol, 我不得不改變我的生活習慣! 運動令我很多痛症都消失了,以下就來分享一下過我這8個月以來玩過5種不同的運動,希望也可激發一下大家的動力!

1) Fitness boot camp @ Pyramid Fitness

A boot camp is a group training program conducted by a personal trainer in an open public outdoor space. It is designed to build strength and fitness through a variety of intense group intervals like push up, squats , sprinting etc in one hour. I train with two other girls who live in my neighborhood with our trainer Daniel. Last few sessions we also did TRX training, a great exercise to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability.  Boot camp 原是美軍給予正規軍人入伍前的訓練營,目的是短時間內提升體能及加強肌肉鍛煉,讓軍人盡快適應入伍後的劇烈軍事操練,但現在已演變成很流行的戶外訓練運動!我們每次1小時的Boot camp 加入了TRX來訓練。在香港,很多大型健身室都會見到TRX的踪影 ,由前美國海軍海豹突擊隊開發,TRX的原理是透過自身體量和懸掛訓練,去增強肌力、平衡、協調和柔軟度,並且可以在何時何地都鍛鍊體格。

Trial: $120 for 2 one-hour class / Package: $460 for 4 classes (use within 4 weeks), 

If you don’t have a personal trainer, don’t worry, you can follow your own trainer online! There are many fitness instructors that promote overall well-being and offers fitness course and special recipes online these days. Here are the trainers I follow online:

如果你覺得要請一個專人健身教練太奢侈的話,現在在網上也可以跟隨你自己的教練! 以下就分享三位我follow 的教練,大家也可以按一下hyperlink去他們的官網看看!

Kayla Itsines 

23-year-old Kayla from Adelaide is a professional trainer that offers 12 weeks exercise and training plan called “KI-Bikini training guide” that include both physical training and her own recipes.

Jen Selter 

The 22-year-old American fitness model from New York is well known for her curvy figure, she has 7 million fans on Instagram just to see her doing selfie everyday! Jen is not the only one in her family who has a perfect body, check out her ig account, her sister, mother and even grandmother has got equally impeccable figure you won’t believe it!

Sonia Tlev 

A big hit in France now, you can find so many girls posting before/after photos after taking Sonia’s 12 weeks “top body challenge” on Sonia’s ig account, and their results are so impressive!

2) Spinning @ XYZ

I’ve been following the reality show Cycle house on E! recently (Click below image to watch video) so I was intrigued to try out XYZ when my bestie Jane, who is a regular there, invited me. I like cycling a lot, but this is HARD CORE! With heart pumping light and music settings to boost our energy, the 50 minutes cardio workout is still super intense for me! 室內單車訓練在外國很流行, 在美國甚至有自己的真人秀(看下面的video) ! 在XYZ,除了單車訓練之外,同時還要舉啞鈴和做掌上壓,很不可思議吧 ! 這運動挑戰你對音樂節奏的靈敏度,還要鍛鍊你上下半身的協調,對心肺功能和腳力要求極高。室內不停閃著螢光的夜燈,好有clubbing 的感覺,確實會激起你的動力!香港很多著名的模特兒也在這裡練車,不過spinning 對體能要求較高,我覺得比較適合體較fit的人。

Trial: $270 for 50 minutes class/ Package: $810 for 3 trial rides series (use within 30 days)

3) TRX Bounce @ Bounce limit

This is for sure the most hard-core exercise for me in this list. TRX bounce is a combination of core workout through the use of both the TRX suspension system and the rebounder, forcing your entire body to contract and strengthen. This is definitely advanced level of TRX. 雖然已受過 TRX 基本訓練,但要用彈床板來玩真的難很多,因為要配合全身不同部位的肌肉,對體能和耐力要求很高!TRX Bounce 屬於中級班,由於我手腳的肌肉還沒有鍛煉到所要求的程度,中途我也停了很多次要休息,不過對於首次免費試玩而言, 我覺得是絕對值得去試玩一下!

Trial class: FREE trial for 55 minutes class (compulsory $100 for professional socks)/ Package: $1,200 for 4 classes (use within 6 weeks)

4) Funky dance @ Russ Dance Factory

I first learnt about funky dance from my girlfriend Pat who is a divorce lawyer, her job is very demanding she is always so stressful, but ever since she started funky dance she became so much more cheerful and she kept on asking me to try it too! Dancing does make me so happy, and I highly recommend it too! (People always ask me what is funky dance, well you can get an idea from below video!) 香港有很多玩Funky dance 的地方,我選擇RDF 因為近我上班的地方,下班後帶著疲倦的身軀去做運動,要走得遠我便沒有動力! RDF 有多位不同導師,我最愛跳Des , Russ & Ronald 的班,每次跳我會不期然的面上掛著笑容! 很多朋友問Funky dance 是什麼,其實Funky 來自Fun 這個字,源自美國,看看以下video 就知!

Trial: $ 110 for 90 minute class/ Package: $720 for 4 classes (use within 30 days)

5) Thai Boxing @ Swish Club

Thai Boxing has been a popular choice for Hong Kong girls who want to get in shape fast, and that’s why my girlfriend Zoe asked me to join her at the girls-only class at Swish Club in Causeway Bay. Thai boxing does burn fat so quickly because you just sweat so much non stop! After 4 classes I already feel the difference! Definitely a fun activity to do with your girlfriends 🙂 泰拳在香港很受女生歡迎,但我還是近年才試! 很多女生都會選擇打泰拳來減肥,我上了四堂課後真的覺得手腳肌肉都firm 了而且修腰真的很見效。而且我還驚訝的發現打拳可以強化心肺功能 ,因為我們常要處於跳動的狀態!

Trial: $150 for 75 minute class/ Package: $580 for 4 classes (use within one month)

Thanks for reading my share and hope you get inspired and motivated for some workouts today! 我以前一直都覺得做運動很痛苦,很其實跟據自己的興趣去選擇運動,一點都不痛苦而且還會很享受!希望這分享會給你帶來一點做運動的動力吧!

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10 tricks to make your high heels last longer 10個保養高跟鞋的小方法


According to Mirror , women in UK own 21 pairs of shoes on average, including four pairs that have never been worn and five that have only been worn once!  Well I’m definitely one of them, except that I own more than 30 pairs, and I’m just talking about high heels! Truth is as I switched from working in fashion to lifestyle magazines, I don’t wear high heels as much as I used to, but I still keep them especially the designer shoes. You simply need to give them a little love and they can last for a long time. Here are 10 easy ways to take care of your high heels :

自從做了時尚雜誌,常常要到處跑,平底鞋已成了我的最好朋友! 但其實多年來買下的高跟鞋不少,尤其是設計師品牌的高跟鞋特別嬌貴,該如何保養去讓高跟鞋歷久常新?

1. 去修鞋店請師傅在鞋底加防滑墊: 通常我買了新鞋就去修鞋店請師傅在鞋底加防滑墊。特別是真皮造的鞋底耗損較快,加墊能增加鞋子防滑度和可令鞋子穿得更久,而且走路起來會較舒適。如果鞋底有品牌的Logo不想破壞它的話,也可在鞋跟部加上鞋跟底 // Get better soles: I always go to my local shoe repairer to add plastic soles to my high heels. Add a thin metal toe plate placed on the tips of your shoes can also protect the toes of your shoes. I also replace new heel pins regularly to prevent damaging of heels.


2. 保持清潔 : 最簡單的方法是用乾紙巾或一塊乾淨專門擦鞋的抹布把鞋的灰塵拭掉,如果有髒漬我會用紙巾濕少少水擦掉 // Keep them clean:  Wipe your shoes down with a towel or brush will help keep them free of dust and dirt and take out minor stains and scuffs. A soft cloth that has been dipped in water is also useful in cleaning high heels.

3. 回家後不要馬上把鞋收進鞋櫃: 窩居地方有限,我們通常一脫鞋便馬上將其收進鞋櫃,但穿了一整天的鞋子積累了不少腳汗和髒污,不要馬上收進鞋櫃和保持通風,這樣鞋櫃便不會累積濕悶的氣味//Let them breathe: Never neglect a pair of soaked shoes! A wet pair can encourage a fungal foot infection. Always leave them out in a cool, dry place with sufficient air circulation before storing them into the shoe cabinet.


4.為鞋子防水防污: 為鞋子用上防水噴霧 ,若是碰上雨天把鞋弄髒,立即用乾毛巾或衛生紙將水分吸乾,放置陰涼處陰讓它自然乾 // Make Your High Heels Waterproof: Always spray a waterproof protector on shoes with delicate materials. Polishing your high heels with some quality water repellents will help protect your favorite shoes from water, dirt and household spills as well. 

5. 定期打理皮具皮具需要給予滋潤以保持柔軟和光凙,預備抹皮布,用少許皮革保護液輕揉在皮革上,讓它自然風乾約15-30分鐘,之後再以乾身布輕擦一下,污穢的東西便會被抹去。至於麖皮,用專用的擦皮用具反方向輕擦,麖皮的表面便會自然地回復原本面貌。切忌將不同的漆皮鞋履放在一起以免出現脫色的情況 // Polish regularly: Leather needs to be conditioned, moisturized and polished to prolong its life. Suede also cannot be polished or wiped down so use a suede eraser to rub away any dried dirt or stains, it can also be protected and cleaned more thoroughly using certain solutions when needed.

6. 不要天天穿它: 皮革都是有彈性的,高温和汗水都會讓它變得鬆弛,所以一定休息的時間讓它好好透氣。為了延長每雙鞋的壽命,最好至少有兩雙鞋子替換。而且這樣鞋子也不會因為我們走路的習慣,造成某一個部位耗損嚴重,加速其老化 // Don’t wear them every day: Give them a rest day and opt for a different footwear so that they can rest and breathe. Give your shoes a day to air out and time to dry, they’ll stay alive that much longer. Otherwise they wont maintain their shape and also start to stint!

7. 去除異味:  如果鞋子積累濕悶的氣味,可灑點蘇打粉讓它過一晚, 第二天用布把粉末掃走便可 //Eliminate Odor: Sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes and let them sit overnight will help absorb any odors. Remove the baking soda the following morning with a soft cloth. Try a shoe odor spray If you need a quicker fix.

8. 固定鞋子不變形: 買鞋後鞋盒不要丟掉,裡面的不織布袋、鞋撐、紙團都要留著。 鞋撐可以固定鞋子不變形,另外紙團一般都是比較會吸濕的。在收納高跟鞋的時間, 用支撑棍頂住鞋頭和鞋跟,有助皮鞋回復原来的楦型,令下次穿着更舒適//Maintain their shape: Stuffing pumps with white tissue paper or shoe forms like shoe trees can retain shoe’s shape and fend off creasing so the shoes can last longer.  Wooden shoe trees also help draw moisture and heat from your shoes ensuring that the natural oils within the leather are retained.

9. 保持環境乾爽香港天氣潮濕,加上下雨天悶熱容易產生腳汗,讓鞋子產生霉斑,要預防可以將小包裝的除濕包或竹炭除濕包放在鞋盒內。如已生了霉斑,可用一條擰乾的濕毛巾,輕拭有霉斑的部位然後放置半天,等鞋面較乾後再上一層鞋油 // Remove mold from shoes: Shoes sometimes get moldy when stored in a damp closet or put away wet, put moisture absorbing buckets or bamboo charcoal bags in your shoe cabinet to dehumidify.

10.換季前先清潔鞋子再收進鞋盒 : 收納前可為鞋子拍照然後將相貼在鞋盒上。這樣再要找出來就沒難度啦!另外鞋子先清潔鞋子和放置通風陰涼處透一透氣,別將髒污或是潮濕悶在鞋盒裡兩三個月! // Storing your shoes for next season: If you’re storing shoes that you don’t plan on wearing for a month or more, it’s best to store them in a box. You can store shoes in their original shoe boxes or use clear plastic containers so you’ll be able to see what shoes you’ve stored. Otherwise, taking a polaroid photo of the shoes and attach it to the shoe box is a good option too! 

Hope you find these tips useful for you! How many pairs of shoes do you have? 希望大家覺得這些小貼事有用! 你家中又有幾多對鞋?

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Holland Photo Diary 荷蘭手記


Paris 2015 1109 Netherlands hold so much memories for me as I had lived here for several months after my exchange study in Paris. Memories of freedom, friendships and romance… it was once the best time of my life. I traveled to Amsterdam this trip to visit my besties Fiona and Marta whom we studied together in Paris and also to stay at Fiona’s place for a few days.

九年前在巴黎讀書的時候,我認識了一班對我影響至深的閨蜜。Hao, Marta同 Fiona, 一個來自德國,一個來自波蘭,一個來自愛爾蘭。她們都是因為追隨自己的男朋友而到去荷蘭讀大學,並於其中一年約定去巴黎留學,我們就是當年讀書認識的。他們是學校的風頭躉,我們像聯合國的組合,每次去夜店總會很受法國男生歡迎。二十出頭,那時我們的課外活動是去拍過 Sex and the City 的 Kong 去happy hour,去當時巴黎最當紅的 gay club Queen 去clubbing。由於巴黎一點過後沒有公共交通工具  ,所以每次浦到通宵達旦,我都會去她們家借宿一宵 。大學畢業我為當時的男朋友搬到荷蘭,分手後我一個人流落異鄉,是她們照顧我讓我在她們家。 其實這故事都幾搞笑,我們四個來自不同國家的女生,為了各自的男朋友搬去荷蘭,而大家到最後分手收場而住在一起。

多年來我們友誼沒變, 數年前 Marta 飛來香港探望我 ,去年我也飛到北京去參加Hao舉辦的中國式婚禮。 所以今次假期我一定要去荷蘭探望她們!

My surprise b-day party! 

I was totally overwhelmed when I arrived at Fiona’s place and found out a surprise birthday party was waiting for me, I couldn’t help bursting into tears! I used to stay with the girls all the time, from the time I got kicked out of my own apartment in Paris due to a big fight with my roommate, to moving out of my ex’s apartment in Utrecht. They were always there for me and took care of me like sisters I never had, it was so emotional for me having their warm welcome after so many years apart! (Thanks chef Sherif for your delicious food!!)

今次Fiona 邀請我住在她位於市中心的 apartment,原來Marta一早來火車站接我是要給Fi 和他男友更多時間準備給我的驚喜生日派對!我是真的超感動忍不住哭了~

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A day in Utrecht 

The second day, I spent an afternoon by myself wandering Utrecht, the city where I used to live, along with over 60.000 students who make the city of Utrecht their home. 45 mins away by train from Amsterdam, Utrecht is a lively student city in the heart of the Netherlands. Ranked in Lonely Planet‘s top-10 of the world’s unsung places, you can easily fall in love with the canals, docks, and little bars and restaurants in this city and it is still my favorite place in Holland.

第二天我自己一個回到烏德勒支這個對我有很多回憶的地方。大部分人認識荷蘭就是阿姆斯特丹 ,但其實這個遠離遊客區的小鎮更有意思! 這個有"學生之鎮"之稱的地方,我曾在這兒生活過,所以這裏的一樓一房,我記憶猶新。距離阿姆斯特丹少於一小時火車程,有機會絕對值得來這小鎮感受一下地到荷蘭風情。Paris 2015 1001

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Rolling Kitchens 2015

A highlight of our trip is Rollende Keukens (Rolling Kitchens) in Amsterdam. Food truck is such a big global trend right now, and this 5-day event is basically a food truck festival where mobile food stands and indie bands from all over the country come together to serve all the music loving and food craving people in Amsterdam. We practically just spent the entire evening eating none stop!

回到阿姆斯特丹我們參加了一年一度,為期五日的美食音樂節 。有來自荷蘭不同地區超過十架food truck和不同小型獨立樂隊現場表演,氣氛超正,有機會來荷蘭一定不要錯過!

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Lunch at Ton & Marta’s 

Saturday, Marta invited us over for lunch at her place after our big night out the night before. Beside her successful career as a communication director at a PR company, she’s also a great home chef! We enjoyed a yummy meal at her beautifully decorated apartment in downtown Amsterdam before we head out for the day.

第三天,Marta邀請我們到她家午餐,我從來沒想過家中也能安排如此精緻的table setting! 作為公關公司的傳訊總監和一位跟得女朋友,這就是入得廚房出得廳堂的典範! Paris 2015 1119

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I Amsterdam 

Before we left Amsterdam we spent our Saturday afternoon strolling around the city. Most people go for the iconic I amsterdam letters in the back of the Rijksmuseum on Museumplein for photo op, but to avoid the crowd, we went to the less busy Vondelpark, the largest city park in Amsterdam, which also host this same signature letters for a perfect photo to end our trip.


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Eating in Paris: My food diary 食在巴黎: 一日五餐法國餐


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Breakfast  // 法式早餐

Remember THIS scene in the last episodes of Sex and the City where Carrie moved to Paris for Aleksandr Petrovsky? Filmed in Hôtel Plaza Athénée, this stylish and romantic hotel has been epitome Parisian luxury since 1911. I’ll confess, my original plan was breakfast at Le Cing, the more affordable way to enjoy a meal at Four Seasons Hotel George V, but since I didn’t book in advance we could’t get a table so we came here which was just 5 minutes away, I’m glad we came instead!

一生人總要去一次豪華五星級法國酒店食一餐! 不過一人港幣過千食一個lunch 真的不捨得,所以折衷的選擇是來個早餐! Sex and the city 也來取影的 Hôtel Plaza Athénée 是巴黎其中一個最歷史悠久的酒店,另外 Four Seasons Hotel George V 也是不錯的選擇。

Lunch// 午餐

Paris is a city made for picnics, there are so many beautiful parks where you can just sit down and enjoy a sandwich and a bottle of wine, get fresh fruits from your nearest market, you don’t even need a blanket! Just sit on the grass and enjoy the nature .

試過這麼奢侈的早餐,午餐就省一點在公園野餐吧! 巴黎有無數的公園開放給公眾野餐,特別午飯時間你會見到很多法國人坐在公園草地食lunch。我們在附近的市場買些三文冶和水果,吃得簡單又方面。

On Saturday, we had a yummy lunch at les Gastropodes inside the flea market Le Marché Dauphine . One thing I love about eating in Paris is that most of the menu is very vegetarian friendly. Since my Tanya is one, that made it much easier for us to look for places to eat.

如果你會去上文提及的跳蚤市場 Marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen,可以試試其中位於Le Marché Dauphine 市場入面的餐廳。環境很舒服和好好食!

A more fancy lunch option is my favorite macaroon shop in the whole wide world – Ladurée ! Although we also have Ladurée now in Hong Kong but it only sells macaroon and other confectionery, so we came out here to try their set lunch with main dish and dessert (oh sooo yummy!). Their branch at Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore (home to most fashion brands in Paris) has beautiful decor that makes you feel like being in a mini palace!

其中一餐食得富貴一點的是 Ladurée,雖然香港現在也有分店,但只售macaroon之類的點甜。想不到他們的主菜也不俗! 蛋糕更加不用提, 好食到好似上了天堂!

Afternoon tea//下午茶

Thanks to Lane Crawford, we now get to taste the amazing pastries from the 112 year-old Angelina inside their IFC store in Hong Kong. But of course, you’ll agree the tiny space inside this Hong Kong franchise doesn’t do its justice when you have been to their signature tearoom in Rue de Rivoli. My favorite cake is Saint Honoré , a crispy puff pastry and caramelized choux pastry filled with vanilla cream pastry and a light whipped cream on the top.

一天下午我們去了Angelina朝聖和去滿足一下食甜品的慾望。香港寸金尺土,IFC 連卡佛的Angelina 分店細得可憐,來這間著名的巴黎店試試原裝正版吧!


Swiss might be known for their cheese fondue, but French does it best for their beef fondue – cubes of beef cooked in hot oil and then dipped in various tasty sauces like honey mustard, béarnaise, hollandaise etc. Usually a fondue set includes baked potato, small salad, vegetables and dipping sauces. I had it a few times when I lived it Paris and I missed it so much so we came back again for more this trip!

芝士火鍋你可能試過,但法式牛肉火鍋聽過沒有? 將一小塊生牛肉放進滾油去炸,再點不同醬料,超好食!

Le Paradis du fruit has been around for a long time in Paris, at least when I was still in a student here 9 years ago, this was our favorite place to go for a yummy meal with affordable price, so of course I really wanted to re-visit this place again this trip. With 9 branches in Paris, you can easily find one in different popular areas like Les Halles, Opera, Saint Michel etc.

巴黎連鎖餐廳Le Paradis du fruit 對我來說充滿回憶,因為以前讀書時常來光顧。Menu 有很多健康選擇,這裡最出名食甜品。

We found this cozy French restaurant Le hide near Champs Élysées on tripadvisor. Quote from Timeout Paris: “Ever since it opened, this snug bistro has been packed with a happy crowd of bistro-lovers who appreciate Japanese-born chef Hide Kobayashi’s superb cooking and good-value prices.”  Their duck foie gras terrine comes in a generous size and super delicious, highly recommend this place!

重點推介位於香榭麗舍大道附近的 Le hide 。由日本主廚主理的法國料理獲 Tripadvisor 食客高度讚揚,絕對值得一試! 我們點了的鴨胸和鵝肝頭盤,帶子和煎魚主菜以至甜品都好好食! 而且價錢合理, 配上一杯白酒為一日緊湊的行程劃上完美的句號。

Supper // 宵夜

We ended our last day in Paris after long long walk outside a full house cozy French bistro Au Sauvignon to enjoy some yummy snacks like smoked salmon with toasted Poilâne bread , yummy!

位於巴黎左岸的 Au Sauvignon 提供巴黎新派小食,行程最後一天在這裡作結

A little extra: Belgium sweets 同場加影: 比利時特色甜點

Originated from Brussels, Aux Merveilleux de Fred now have shops in New York, London, Geneva and different cities in France. Their signature merveilleux (=marvelous) is a small cake that consists of a sandwich of two light meringues welded with whipped cream which has been covered with whipped cream and dusted with chocolate shavings. It is THE most amazing food I’ve had this entire trip!

這次歐洲之旅加插了半天比利時遊,一定要分享我們在布魯塞爾的新發現! 這件叫做merveilleux (法文意思是令人驚歎的) 甜點是由奶油包著兩塊蛋白酥而成,外面再灑朱古力碎,絕對是這旅程讓我最驚歎的甜品!

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Nobel’s guide to Paris 遊走巴黎 – 10個你未必到過的好地方 ( Part II)




4) Treasure hunting in Europe’s largest flea market// 逛全歐洲最大的跳蝨市場

Opening from Saturday to Monday, Marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen is said to be the largest flea markets in Europe with more than 2500 stalls. I love furnitures and antiques, so I was really excited to visit this market featured in Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris! Since the flea market hosts 15 different markets, we focused our time at Marché Malassis (toys, vintage cameras and furniture), Marché Dauphine (furniture, ceramics), Marché Biron (expensive lighting &furniture) and Marché Vernaison ( various fashion, prints and kitchenware).

我超級喜歡跳蝨市場! 自從去過倫敦著名的 Portobello market 便愛上了行市集 。被譽為全歐洲最大跳蝨市場的 Marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen 由15個不同主題的小市場組成,每逢星期六日一開放。因為我鍾情家居擺設,所以挑選了幾個專門賣古董和傢俬的市場逛逛。我們行了一個下午 (包括午饍 )也只是走馬看花的逛了四個主題市場。如果真的要仔細尋找心頭好,我想至少要一個週末的時間!

5) Visit a jazz café //感受咖啡館和爵士樂文化

Near the flea market, we stopped by  la chope des puces and enjoyed live Jazz Mamouche performance. The music and ambiance was so quintessential Parisian style, it was one of the best moments of the trip!

在巴黎每一個角落都可以感受到這裏濃厚的咖啡館文化。我們離開跳蝨市場之際, 聽到對面街上傳出音樂聲,忍不住去看看。原來是咖啡館  la chope des puces 內樂隊表演爵士樂,我們隨心坐下來叫了一杯咖啡來欣賞表演 。這種名叫 Jazz Mamouche 的爵士樂在法國廣泛流行,是經典的巴黎音樂。這裏很多人特意過來 ,坐上一個半個小時 ,邊聽音樂邊嘆一杯 expresso,過一個輕鬆的週末。

6) Spend an afternoon in Le Marais //在瑪黑區溜達一個下午

To feel like a real Parisian, my absolute favorite place is definitely Le Marais which is the hippest part of the city (popular for gay crowd & art lover). My new found this trip is the Nixon store which just opened last October where I shopped this watch. Another new love is Bonton Coiffure , a 3-storey chic kids department store which include a kids’ hair salon and photo booth!

瑪黑區是全巴黎我最愛的一個地方,比起城中的擠滿遊客的景點,這裡的小街小巷,讓你完全感覺到地道巴黎人的氣息。這裏有不同特色小店,咖啡館和餐廳,值得在這裏花上一個下午。順帶一提,香港潮媽一定會愛上3層樓高的童裝店Bonton Coiffure !

7) Shopping at Colette// 到Colette概念店朝聖 

For fashion lovers, we have Lane Crawford in Hong Kong, 10 Corso Como in Milan, Barneys in New York, as for Paris? Colette is your mecca for everything fashion and lifestyle related! The three floor concept store contains a gallery, a bookshop and a cafe. By the way I almost lost my breath when I ran into my fashion idol Daphne Guinness outside the shop omg she is so fabulous!!!
熱愛時裝的朋友不得不來Colette朝聖, 這是巴黎的連卡佛,這三層樓高的概念店內還包括了書店,咖啡館和畫廊。

8) Strolling in Rue de Sevrès //到巴黎左岸逛高級時裝店

At the other side of La Seine, Rue de Sevrès in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés area is home to numerous fancy French fashion stores like the Hermès store housed in a former swimming pool (can you believe it?!) and Le Bon Marché, the 1st department store in Paris, and my favorite.

遠離巴黎春天百貨 ,老佛爺這些遊客必到的購物點! 來位於巴黎左岸的Rue de Sevres ,感受一下真正逛高級時裝店的體驗。就算不買也要來參觀一下由古蹟泳池改建而成的 Hermès 專門店!另外別忘了要到巴黎第一間的百貨公司 Le Bon Marché 和其附屬的食品店 La Grande Epicerie 買手信。

9) Visit an exhibition// 參觀一個時裝/藝術裝展

There are always cool exhibitions going on inside Grand Palaise, the place where Chanel hosts many of its fashion shows every year. This trip I went to see Jean Paul Gaultier’s exhibition which was so eye opening!

來到時裝之都 ,參觀時裝展是常識吧! Chanel 每年都會在巴黎大皇宮美術館舉行時裝秀 ,而平時這場地會定期有不同展覽。今次適逄時裝界壞孩子 Jean Paul Gaultier‘s 的回顧展,當然不可錯過!

10) Picnic in a Park // 在公園草地野餐

One of the most typical Parisian things to do in summer is picnic in a park. My no. 1 recommendation for picnic spot in Place de Vosges which is very popular among Parisian.
我已想不對上一次在草地野餐是幾時! 在夏日與一班朋友在陽光下野餐是巴黎熱門的消閑活動,我推荐很受巴黎人歡迎的孚日廣場,脫下雙鞋大字型睡在草地上, 感受青草的香味!

A little extra: Visit Paris Saint-Germain F.C., Arena// 同場加映: 巴黎聖日耳門足球場

To be honest this is not the most exciting place on my list (well at least for me), but it was my boyfriend’s only request this trip since he is a big football fans so we spent a morning visiting Parc des Princes, stadium of PSG football team. For an alternative, check out their official gift shop at Paris Saint-Germain Champs-Elysées store.


Nobel’s guide to Paris 遊走巴黎 – 10 個你未必到過的好地方 ( Part I)



It was almost a decade ago when I moved to Paris for a year to study French in school. Paris was such a magical place for me it made me dreamt about all the things I want to do when I grow up. As I was turning 30 this May, I realized I’m not where I thought I’d be at this point of my life, I decided to take a trip back to where all my dreams began, to spark my passion again and search for new directions in life. I therefore set a mission to explore a different side of the city I’ve never been to before and I was so inspired by all my new explorations! So here I want to share my special guide to Paris with you:

真不敢相信在巴黎讀書已經是9年前的事。當年還是個大學生,巴黎給我帶來夢想和對將來充滿期盼。現在回想起當時對未來生活的憧憬實在有很大的距離,很多想做的事情但沒有達到,所以今年生日我很想回到巴黎去重捨當日的夢。因為在巴黎生活過一年,對這個城市已很熟悉,所以今之特意尋找一些未去過的地方,希望可從而有新的靈感和啟發! 以下就來分享一下今次旅程幾個很特別的地方:

1) Staying at a Parisian home// 巴黎民宿

I was so excited to arrive my first ever airbnb home! I always love to stay with a local friend when I’m travelling because you get a taste of how the local people live. As my dear friend Tanja from Vienna flew in for a long weekend to celebrate my birthday together, I had chosen this cool and spacious apartment in Montmartre which has two nice bedrooms.

想當年與同學合租apartment, 今次回去當然也要感受一下! 因為我的好友Tanja 從維也納飛過來巴黎一個長週末陪我慶祝生日, 所以我特意挑選了這家位於蒙馬特並很有特色設計的兩房一廳airbnb. Tanja比我先到, 我一到埗已有一個mini 生日蛋糕在等待我, 真的很感動!
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Few days later we moved to another apartment in the left bank after Tanja left. I knew I had to rent this place the second I spotted it on airbnb because it is so unique and one of a kind! The apartment is located inside the courtyard of a residential building surrounded by a lovely garden. It used to be a printing factory and the owner has revamped it into a two-storey house. I just love the ambiance and interior design of this place!

幾天後Tanja 要回去維也納所以我們搬到另一間位於巴黎左岸的住所。 我挑選住所除了考慮位置和租金以外,最重要的就是室內設計。 這間住所是小巴黎很少有的特色房子。 以前本來是印刷廠 ,屋主將它改建為兩個獨立房子。因為樓底高,所以房子內還多建一層。 外面被一個小花園包圍著,很有特色!

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2) Visit Shakespeare and Company // 拍攝日落巴黎的古老書店

One of must see places this trip is Shakespeare and Company in the 5th arrondissement . As a fan of Before Sunrise trilogy, I’ve wanted to visit this book store for so long! This is the book shop where Jesse did his book readings and met Celine again at the sequel Before Sunset. Inside the 2-storey book shop, there’s a lounge for people to read and a small corner that allows people to sleepover. When we were there someone was playing piano it felt so romantic like being in the movie!

如果你是電影日落巴黎的戲迷,這地方你一定不會陌生! 這間在1951年開的二手書店是巴黎很受歡迎的景點。

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3) Spend a day at Fontainebleau // 到巴黎南部的楓丹白露一天遊

I’ve wanted to visit Fontainebleau ever since I fall in love with impressionist painting when I was a student. This was the place where my favorite painters Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet used to come and do their paintings.  Just an hour away from Paris, I felt like I went to a different era stepping into Fontainebleau.  We spent our Sunday morning walking around Château de Fontainebleau and afternoon picnicking and napping under the trees in the forest nearby. It was the most relaxing and laid back Sunday I’ve had in a very long time.

大部分人去巴黎都會去凡爾賽宮一日遊 ,今次我們則選擇了距離巴黎一小時以外的楓丹白露 。如果喜愛印象派畫的人應該聽過這名字,因為很多19世界印象派畫家都來楓丹白露的森林練習油畫。 楓丹白鷺位於巴黎南部市郊 ,由巴黎坐火車出發加一程接駁巴士到楓丹白鷺堡壘大約個半小時。這裏風景比我想像中更為嘆為觀止! 堡壘當然不能與凡爾賽宮媲美,但其大自然景色實絕不比下去! 星期日的下午當大部分的香港人在巴黎名店血拼的時候 ,我們花整個下午遊閒的在草地上野餐和午睡,真正體驗法國人的生活態度!

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