5 fun workouts to push your limits



I used to be a very lazy gal when it comes to exercising, until I started having chronic shoulder pain, back pain and knee pain a year ago, I know my unhealthy lifestyle has got to stop! I’m so happy that now my chronic pains are gone and my muscle mass index has gone up since then. So here are 5 fun work outs I tried in the past 8 months and I want to share it with you!


和香港很多女生一樣, 我之前一直很懶做運動,直到一年前我開始有背痛,膊頭痛和膝頭痛,嚴重到要去看醫生和常常食Panadol, 我不得不改變我的生活習慣! 運動令我很多痛症都消失了,以下就來分享一下過我這8個月以來玩過5種不同的運動,希望也可激發一下大家的動力!

1) Fitness boot camp @ Pyramid Fitness

A boot camp is a group training program conducted by a personal trainer in an open public outdoor space. It is designed to build strength and fitness through a variety of intense group intervals like push up, squats , sprinting etc in one hour. I train with two other girls who live in my neighborhood with our trainer Daniel. Last few sessions we also did TRX training, a great exercise to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability.  Boot camp 原是美軍給予正規軍人入伍前的訓練營,目的是短時間內提升體能及加強肌肉鍛煉,讓軍人盡快適應入伍後的劇烈軍事操練,但現在已演變成很流行的戶外訓練運動!我們每次1小時的Boot camp 加入了TRX來訓練。在香港,很多大型健身室都會見到TRX的踪影 ,由前美國海軍海豹突擊隊開發,TRX的原理是透過自身體量和懸掛訓練,去增強肌力、平衡、協調和柔軟度,並且可以在何時何地都鍛鍊體格。

Trial: $120 for 2 one-hour class / Package: $460 for 4 classes (use within 4 weeks), 

If you don’t have a personal trainer, don’t worry, you can follow your own trainer online! There are many fitness instructors that promote overall well-being and offers fitness course and special recipes online these days. Here are the trainers I follow online:

如果你覺得要請一個專人健身教練太奢侈的話,現在在網上也可以跟隨你自己的教練! 以下就分享三位我follow 的教練,大家也可以按一下hyperlink去他們的官網看看!

Kayla Itsines 

23-year-old Kayla from Adelaide is a professional trainer that offers 12 weeks exercise and training plan called “KI-Bikini training guide” that include both physical training and her own recipes.

Jen Selter 

The 22-year-old American fitness model from New York is well known for her curvy figure, she has 7 million fans on Instagram just to see her doing selfie everyday! Jen is not the only one in her family who has a perfect body, check out her ig account, her sister, mother and even grandmother has got equally impeccable figure you won’t believe it!

Sonia Tlev 

A big hit in France now, you can find so many girls posting before/after photos after taking Sonia’s 12 weeks “top body challenge” on Sonia’s ig account, and their results are so impressive!

2) Spinning @ XYZ

I’ve been following the reality show Cycle house on E! recently (Click below image to watch video) so I was intrigued to try out XYZ when my bestie Jane, who is a regular there, invited me. I like cycling a lot, but this is HARD CORE! With heart pumping light and music settings to boost our energy, the 50 minutes cardio workout is still super intense for me! 室內單車訓練在外國很流行, 在美國甚至有自己的真人秀(看下面的video) ! 在XYZ,除了單車訓練之外,同時還要舉啞鈴和做掌上壓,很不可思議吧 ! 這運動挑戰你對音樂節奏的靈敏度,還要鍛鍊你上下半身的協調,對心肺功能和腳力要求極高。室內不停閃著螢光的夜燈,好有clubbing 的感覺,確實會激起你的動力!香港很多著名的模特兒也在這裡練車,不過spinning 對體能要求較高,我覺得比較適合體較fit的人。

Trial: $270 for 50 minutes class/ Package: $810 for 3 trial rides series (use within 30 days)

3) TRX Bounce @ Bounce limit

This is for sure the most hard-core exercise for me in this list. TRX bounce is a combination of core workout through the use of both the TRX suspension system and the rebounder, forcing your entire body to contract and strengthen. This is definitely advanced level of TRX. 雖然已受過 TRX 基本訓練,但要用彈床板來玩真的難很多,因為要配合全身不同部位的肌肉,對體能和耐力要求很高!TRX Bounce 屬於中級班,由於我手腳的肌肉還沒有鍛煉到所要求的程度,中途我也停了很多次要休息,不過對於首次免費試玩而言, 我覺得是絕對值得去試玩一下!

Trial class: FREE trial for 55 minutes class (compulsory $100 for professional socks)/ Package: $1,200 for 4 classes (use within 6 weeks)

4) Funky dance @ Russ Dance Factory

I first learnt about funky dance from my girlfriend Pat who is a divorce lawyer, her job is very demanding she is always so stressful, but ever since she started funky dance she became so much more cheerful and she kept on asking me to try it too! Dancing does make me so happy, and I highly recommend it too! (People always ask me what is funky dance, well you can get an idea from below video!) 香港有很多玩Funky dance 的地方,我選擇RDF 因為近我上班的地方,下班後帶著疲倦的身軀去做運動,要走得遠我便沒有動力! RDF 有多位不同導師,我最愛跳Des , Russ & Ronald 的班,每次跳我會不期然的面上掛著笑容! 很多朋友問Funky dance 是什麼,其實Funky 來自Fun 這個字,源自美國,看看以下video 就知!

Trial: $ 110 for 90 minute class/ Package: $720 for 4 classes (use within 30 days)

5) Thai Boxing @ Swish Club

Thai Boxing has been a popular choice for Hong Kong girls who want to get in shape fast, and that’s why my girlfriend Zoe asked me to join her at the girls-only class at Swish Club in Causeway Bay. Thai boxing does burn fat so quickly because you just sweat so much non stop! After 4 classes I already feel the difference! Definitely a fun activity to do with your girlfriends 🙂 泰拳在香港很受女生歡迎,但我還是近年才試! 很多女生都會選擇打泰拳來減肥,我上了四堂課後真的覺得手腳肌肉都firm 了而且修腰真的很見效。而且我還驚訝的發現打拳可以強化心肺功能 ,因為我們常要處於跳動的狀態!

Trial: $150 for 75 minute class/ Package: $580 for 4 classes (use within one month)

Thanks for reading my share and hope you get inspired and motivated for some workouts today! 我以前一直都覺得做運動很痛苦,很其實跟據自己的興趣去選擇運動,一點都不痛苦而且還會很享受!希望這分享會給你帶來一點做運動的動力吧!

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